‘This cosmic portrait—captured with the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3—shows a stunning view of a spiral galaxy, which lies approximately 60 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Coma Bereniceces.’
[via @nasa]
She Spins Diamonds of Earth and Sky — Shana Chandra
In conversation with Lita Alberqueque, whose work explores the relationship of our body in respect to the universe.
[click image for downloadable pdf]
Eclipse — Pink Floyd
[via sheetmusic]
Alive, oh! Alive --- * the peace (of) wild things
—by charlotte lapalus and giulia querenghi
[page via issue eleven]
An editorial shot in Marrakech, looking at our relationship to the landscape.
A Complete Manifesto for Growth — Bruce Mau
Kale Seeds — Southern Hemisphere
Hyacinth Bean Seeds — Northern Hemisphere