Neada Deters

Note to Self is a series of inspirational vignettes—where we invite creatives that we admire to share with our JANE community the quote, lyric, recipe, or piece of advice that they keep returning to and why. An intimate look inside their creative universe.

Here, LESSE Founder Neada Deters shares the letter that she recently discovered by artist Sol LeWitt.

Neada Deters

 “DO” — A letter from artist Sol LeWitt to the artist Eva Hesse
[ via
davidgarciamontero ]

A new friend shared this letter with me recently and it has been echoing in my thoughts ever since. The unwavering belief LeWitt expresses for Hesse is a reminder and salve for all of us, in moments of self-doubt. His emphatic profanity, a perfect dose of levity to clear any grey cloud.