Prompts —

on the virtues of turning inward

September is the season of Virgo—an introverted sign as romantic as it is intellectual. Astrologist Linda Goodman speaks of ‘the firm practicality of Virgo’s earth element, blended with the mental, airy, ideal-seeking Mercury. There’s a white heat to Virgo love, once it’s ignited,’ she says, ‘that can put the passions of other Sun signs to shame by its very intensity and singleness of purpose.’

She is the eternal perfectionist and a natural with words. But she can behave quite like a shrew once scorned. In that case. ‘[t]ake her flowers’ Goodman suggests. ‘The earth is her element, so she appreciates the creations of nature, and the posies will soften her irritation.’

Perhaps what we can learn best from the fair sign of Virgo is the simple virtue of turning inward. Of returning to the self as a kind of hard reset for the changing seasons at hand.



1. Nourish the mind and body
(with gentleness)

2.     Contemplate the quote, lyric, or piece of advice that you keep returning to
Write it down as a note to self and place it somewhere you will notice each day

3.     [Visual meditation]
Imagine yourself as a lotus flower 

4.     Take note of what you feel

5.     Take up ink, paint, or a camera
Capture your own self-portrait 

6.     Rest
(without apology) 

7.     Pen a letter of gratitude to yourself
Fold it away for a rainy day 

8.     Write down what comes to you, stream of consciousness style
—-*the self is